Acclaro DFSS™ Software
Add functional performance analysis to your design projects to improve on-time, on-budget, and on-specification performance.
Functional Specs, Inc. provides Acclaro DFSS™, a software toolkit for creating highly decoupled, optimal solutions based on MIT’s Axiomatic Design process. The software implements a Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) approach to systematic functional requirements analysis and decomposition.

Example design applications include:
- Design of software functionality
- Design of an airport
- Design of business strategy
- Design of government service
- Design of emergency room
Wherever large ‘system’ solutions are required, functional decomposition excels in producing optimal, decoupled, efficient first pass solutions.
Development cost over-runs and delays have their roots in ‘fuzzy’ requirements and ad-hoc synthesized solutions, followed by Six Sigma ‘quality’ fix-it projects after the product is developed or the process deployed. Acclaro DFSS™ defines, models, validates and error-proofs requirements and solutions before the time and expense of iterative development.
- Capture, analyze, and decompose key functions and requirements.
- Implement the Axiomatic Design framework with the DFSS quality processes of VOC, QFD, FMEA, TRIZ, DSM, Pugh concept analysis, and RISK assessment.
- Identify late stage design issues without the cost of design-build-test-redesign cycles.
- Provide explicit traceability from Customer Needs to Requirements to Design Logic to Design.
- Communicate the ‘How and Why’ of design intent, not just the ‘What’ of CAD documentation.
Functional Specs, Inc. Clients
Our hundreds of clients include global corporations like General Motors, Raytheon, Samsung, Ford, Lockheed Martin, and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Pairwise Comparison Prioritization Surveys
Create, distribute, and collect online data surveys to assess design priorities. Registered Acclaro DFSS™ users have free access to the service.

Functional Specs, Inc. offers an online tool for conducting Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Surveys. The application allows designers to manage a survey with pairwise comparison questions, email the survey to stakeholders, and download an Excel report with rankings for QFD.
- Obtain actionable insights into customer needs and preferences.
- Utilize a systematic process for evaluating alternative design options.
Axiomatic Design Conferences
The 15th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD) is in Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 26 – 28, 2022. ICAD is the traditional meeting point of the worldwide Axiomatic Design Community.