Acclaro DFSS™ Pricing
- $1295 per node-locked license
- $6996 floating license option
Demo License
Functional Specs, Inc. offers a demo version of Acclaro DFSS™ for evaluation.
Software Updates
Acclaro DFSS™ maintenance contracts include the latest software updates and priority support.
Academic Discount
For Professors and Graduate Students
If professors or graduate students need a permanent Acclaro license for their research or professional use, the academic price is $495 (An $800 discount off the standard retail price.)
Student Licenses
For Students in a Sponsored Design Course
Full licenses are provided to students of a sponsoring professor at no cost. Licensing is valid for one academic year.
To obtain academic licenses for your students, please provide the following information:
- The name of the educational institution
- The name of the sponsoring professor
- The email contact of the sponsoring professor
“At Ford, axiomatic design methods have been helpful in studying design ranging from a transmission parking pawl, to system associated with vehicle drift/pull. Axiomatic design is useful in problem solving and new design applications, including design of an essentially new transmission.”
Larry Smith, Quality and Reliability Manager for Full-Size Pickup and Utility Vehicles, Ford Motor Company
“We used axiomatic design to fix a flexure mechanism on a prealigner (a device that pre-aligns a wafer). Using this methodology reduced costs by 50% and improved its lifetime by 5 times. Axiomatic design forces the system architecture to be organized in a disciplined fashion so that it would meet customer’s expectations.”
Dan Cote, Vice President of Engineering, Lithography Division, Silicon Valley Group, Inc.